Pit Bull

<img src=”“> Date last seen: 01/22/2022 Location last seen: Joe Ramsey Rd/County Rd 3303, Greenville, TX Name: Siesel Sex: Male Description: 6-year-old, neutered, Skittish around mem Owner Information: Danny Barry…

<img src="“> Date last seen: 01/16/2022 Location last seen: Meadow Creek EstatesName: MiaSex: FemaleDescription: Black bulldog white on her chest cropped ears about 50 to 55 pounds Owner Information: Tanya…

lab mix

Date last seen: 01/06/2022 Location last seen: Chisholm Crossing neighborhood winter hawk drName: ZeldaSex: FemaleDescription: Black 50 pound white chest missing her collar when she got out and is chipped…