Blue Pit
Date last seen: 12/21/2023 Location last seen: Misty Ridge Lane-Hickory Creek Subdivison Name: Eli Sex: Male Description: Adult male blue Pitbull with white chest no collar. Got out during the…
Date last seen: 12/21/2023 Location last seen: Misty Ridge Lane-Hickory Creek Subdivison Name: Eli Sex: Male Description: Adult male blue Pitbull with white chest no collar. Got out during the…
Date last seen: 12/21/2023 Location last seen: 1496 glenwick dr rockwall,TxName: KingSex: MaleDescription: Light Grey tabby male cat. He’s a chunky. Owner Information: Abijah Ayele(972) 310-0224Click for Email
Date last seen: 12/17/2023 Location last seen: Loftland Farms NeighborhoodName: JackSex: MaleDescription: 3 year old neutered male orange and white short hair cat. Went missing 12/17/23. Not microchipped. Please contact…
Date last seen: 12/17/2023 Location last seen: 129 Wellington lane, heathName: MobiusSex: MaleDescription: Grey tiger striped tabby. Clipped ear. No chip. About 2 years old Owner Information: Rebecca Heineman(562) 201-3450Click…
Date last seen: 12/20/2023 Location last seen: Rockwall off of 66 and rusk stName: HarmonySex: FemaleDescription: All white German Shepard looks like a husky she suffers from anxiety mostly when…
Date last seen: 12/09/2023 Location last seen: 1110 Mercury Drive Princeton, TX 75407 Name: Reeses Pieces Sex: Female Description: Tortoiseshell (Black, brown, and blond) with a sort of triangle marking…
Date last seen: 12/17/2023 Location last seen: White Sand Dr the ShoresName: JinxSex: MaleDescription: Owner Information: Bliss Nauert(214) 336-5967Click for Email
Date last seen: 12/17/2023 Location last seen: 602 Louder Way FateName: SarahSex: FemaleDescription: Overweight black cat Very friendly Owner Information: Maegen Sumrak(214) 497-2913Click for Email
Date last seen: 09/25/2023 Location last seen: 13 crestview cir , rockwall, tx 75087 Name: Da Flooff Sex: Female Description: Med to long haired tortoiseshell kitten – right at about…
Date last seen: 12/15/2023 Location last seen: Caruth lakesName: GucciSex: FemaleDescription: Black and white Owner Information: Lauren Valderas(469) 616-7333Click for Email