Maltese Mix
Date last seen: 10/28/2016 Location last seen: 216 Alta Vista DrName: MarshaSex: FemaleDescription: Very loving will come to almost anyone, brown/black no collar Owner Information: Brandon Edgar(214) 300-9115Click for Email
Date last seen: 10/28/2016 Location last seen: 216 Alta Vista DrName: MarshaSex: FemaleDescription: Very loving will come to almost anyone, brown/black no collar Owner Information: Brandon Edgar(214) 300-9115Click for Email
Date last seen: 10/27/2016 Location last seen: Name: LachetteSex: FemaleDescription: Small, white female. Collar and tags, tags have Oklahoma information on it. Phone number to reach me at is 972-235-1267,…
Date last seen: 10/27/2016 Location last seen: 641 Arcadia Way Rockwall TexasName: AppaSex: FemaleDescription: Small white cat with folded ears and a grey mark on her head. Owner Information: Abbey…
Date last seen: 10/17/2016 Location last seen: Bayview St, Caruth Lakes – Rockwall Name: Puff Sex: Male Description: Orange calico, male neutered. White face, white feet, dark lines on left…
Date last seen: 10/26/2016 Location last seen: Bayshore and Lakeshore 6:30 pm Name: Onyx Sex: Male Description: Black with grey markings 2 years old Knows his name He is our…
Date last seen: 10/18/2016 Location last seen: Whispering Glen and Caruth Name: Mini Me Sex: Female Description: Black Chihuahua, small Owner Information: Kelly and Galey Hanna (469) 438-2117 Click for…
Date last seen: 10/18/2016 Location last seen: Blanche Dr. Rockwall, TX Name: Toby Sex: Male Description: 2 year old Yorkie male unaltered no collar no microchip. Has not been groomed…
Date last seen: 10/13/2016 Location last seen: Lakeview drive rockwall Name: Minnie Sex: Female Description: She’s a calico. Well fed and healthy Owner Information: Kristen Sims (716) 601-8227 Click for…
Date last seen: 10/05/2016 Location last seen: Lakeside VillageName: MiloSex: MaleDescription: Orange and white tabby Owner Information: Kim Ishwe(615) 300-5120Click for Email
Date last seen: 09/23/2016 Location last seen: The shores, rockwallName: Mr. MisterSex: MaleDescription: He is a gray cat with black stripes and a black polka dotted belly. He has some…