Date last seen: 06/08/2018 Location last seen: 408 McKinzie pl Rockwall TexasName: Kitty queenSex: FemaleDescription: Female cat with long fluffy fur, she is black with white feet and a white…


Date last seen: 06/08/2018 Location last seen: Highlands of Heath SubdivisionName: LucySex: FemaleDescription: Black and white shihtzu. About 10 years old female. Has a black collar on. Owner Information: Tomorrow…


Date last seen: 06/08/2018 Location last seen: Shores circle in RockwallName: ClydeSex: MaleDescription: Clyde is 4.5 years old, altered male, weighs approx. 70 Lbs. Clyde is microchipped, solid black and…

Cocker Spaniel

Date last seen: 06/05/2018 Location last seen: Turtle CoveName: Sex: FemaleDescription: Buff and white cocker, female, 12 years old, wearing a collar but no tags Owner Information: Camille Wallace(214) 277-4663Click…

Weenie dog

Date last seen: 06/04/2018 Location last seen: Fate, TXName: TicaSex: FemaleDescription: Long weenie dog, brow, super sweet(worm bite, 9yrs old, female Owner Information: Alex Moreno(214) 290-6193Click for Email