
Date last seen: 11/05/2023 Location last seen: 872 Layla Drive and Birch Drive in Woodcreek subdivision Fate TXName: LuLuSex: FemaleDescription: Silver color York shire terrier is mostly white with some…

Cat hairy

Date last seen: 11/03/2023 Location last seen: Glenwick and lochspringName: StardustqSex: FemaleDescription: White long hair with orange and black spots. Very laid back female cat. Has been chipped but is…

Gray Tabby

Date last seen: 11/01/2023 Location last seen: Windmill Farms in Forney, near Elderberry and Reeder Rd.Name: StellaSex: FemaleDescription: 10.5 pound female gray tabby. Owner Information: Adam Klugiewicz(469) 543-8398Click for Email


Date last seen: 10/23/2023 Location last seen: Dennis Bailey lane rockwallName: KittySex: MaleDescription: Medium length hair big white/ cream color cat gone missing! Please help us find kitty! Owner Information:…