Border collie/lab
Date last seen: 08/28/2016 Location last seen: Market center rd Name: Chief Sex: Male Description: Skinny black and tall Owner Information: Heather Aldrige (214) 770-3314 Click for Email
Date last seen: 08/28/2016 Location last seen: Market center rd Name: Chief Sex: Male Description: Skinny black and tall Owner Information: Heather Aldrige (214) 770-3314 Click for Email
Date last seen: 08/22/2016 Location last seen: On Hw 205 near Fm 548 Rockwall, Tx Name: Hollie Sex: Female Description: Hollie is gray with black spots. She has a white…
Date last seen: 09/01/2016 Location last seen: 205 and 550 Name: Laine Sex: Male Description: Five pound, neutered male Owner Information: Lisa Goodman (214) 334-7480 Click for Email
Date last seen: 08/16/2016 Location last seen: Smirl Dr and Chris Cuney Pkwy Name: Purrla Sex: Female Description: Tabby on back with white, spayed and microchipped, 4 yrs old Owner…
Date last seen: 08/27/2016 Location last seen: Meadow creek estates Rockwall tx Name: Nala Sex: Female Description: She is a light red and white husky. Sky Blue eyes. Pink collar.…
Date last seen: 08/22/2016 Location last seen: FM 550 and Jones Road Name: Bristol Sex: Female Description: Female, 5 years old, blonde and white very friendly, had collar with leash…
Date last seen: 08/21/2016 Location last seen: Garland. Meandering way Name: Cinnamon Sex: Female Description: Tan 6-7lbs pink collar she kinda tall Owner Information: Johnny Seals (214) 957-9261 Click for…
Date last seen: 08/24/2016 Location last seen: Loftland Farms of RockwallName: TwinkieSex: FemaleDescription: She is between 15 and 17 pounds, tan and white chiweenie. She is wearing a pink and…
Date last seen: 08/22/2016 Location last seen: State Hw 205 Rockwall, Tx. Near FM248 Name: Hollie Sex: Female Description: Hollie is gray with black spots. She has brown on her…
Date last seen: 08/19/2016 Location last seen: Falls View Drive (The Shores)Name: MisterSex: MaleDescription: Very loving cat, but he has been going out at night and getting into some scuffles.…