Pitbull Terrier
Date last seen: 02/18/2017 Location last seen: Name: DequoiSex: MaleDescription: Chocolate/blue male with a black stripe down his back. He has a white stripe on his face with a white…
Date last seen: 02/18/2017 Location last seen: Name: DequoiSex: MaleDescription: Chocolate/blue male with a black stripe down his back. He has a white stripe on his face with a white…
Date last seen: 02/18/2017 Location last seen: Rowlett/. Sara driveName: Siamese mix gray/white blue eyesSex: FemaleDescription: Domestic long hair Gray & white with blue eyes. Fixed Has a chip. Owner…
Date last seen: 02/19/2017 Location last seen: 2280 Timber Creek Name: Simon Sex: Male Description: His name is Simon, he is an 18 month old male, neutered and chipped. He…
Date last seen: 02/15/2017 Location last seen: 111 Mustang Drive, Fate Name: Nala Sex: Female Description: 12 year old, domestic long hair, tuxedo (black with white markings) thinning hair on…
Date last seen: 02/15/2017 Location last seen: Home… Sun Valley Dr., Off of Blackland RoadName: TuckSex: MaleDescription: Tuck is black, he has a white chest. You may see him running…
Date last seen: 02/10/2017 Location last seen: Dalrock & 66 near hospitalName: WinterSex: FemaleDescription: Adult German Shepherd with a black fur on the back, tan/blonde fur coat on chest, legs…
Date last seen: 02/13/2017 Location last seen: 2287 Lafayette LandingName: Rudy & TuxSex: MaleDescription: Male is black and white, approx 70lbs, 2 1/2 years old, neutered female is tan and…
Date last seen: 02/10/2017 Location last seen: Heath StName: LolaSex: FemaleDescription: LoLaura is very social and loves people. She is wearing a purple collar Owner Information: amy jordan(214) 796-2937Click for…
Date last seen: 02/04/2017 Location last seen: In the house, he must have gotten out the back door Name: Leo Sex: Male Description: Leo is a year old he…
Date last seen: 02/04/2017 Location last seen: Sunset Hill Drive Name: Raider Sex: Male Description: 4 month old Husky puppy – no collar Owner Information: Cherie Dodge (858) 342-5651 Click…