Wire haired terrier
Date last seen: 04/10/2017 Location last seen: Glen Acres EstatesName: RoscoeSex: MaleDescription: Brown scraggly haired dog, about 4 years old, 20lbs, with a light blue collar. Owner Information: Thomas Milner(972)…
Date last seen: 04/10/2017 Location last seen: Glen Acres EstatesName: RoscoeSex: MaleDescription: Brown scraggly haired dog, about 4 years old, 20lbs, with a light blue collar. Owner Information: Thomas Milner(972)…
Date last seen: 11/10/2016 Location last seen: By Dobbs ElementaryName: AlvinSex: MaleDescription: His a small brown Pomeranian mix Chihuahua. Has his chest white and 3 of his paws are white…
Date last seen: 04/04/2017 Location last seen: 9 Norman Trail Rockwall TxName: BlueSex: MaleDescription: Solid Black Male Lab mix with a white spot under his neck. About 11/2 years old.…
Date last seen: 04/01/2017 Location last seen: Stoney Hollow Lane in RockwallName: SophieSex: FemaleDescription: She is 6lbs and 6 years old. All black with a small amount of light gray…
Date last seen: 06/01/2016 Location last seen: Alta Vista Ct. and Lake Shore DriveName: ZeusSex: MaleDescription: Indoor cat 5 years old front declawed. He got outside when my Daughter and…
Date last seen: 04/03/2017 Location last seen: Timber creek estates Bristlecone CtName: RascalSex: MaleDescription: Adult Orange Tabby cat Owner Information: Suzanne Dureault(214) 310-2490Click for Email
Date last seen: 03/30/2017 Location last seen: fm1565Name: JellybeanSex: MaleDescription: Black cat with random gray hairs throughout. Owner Information: Natalie Richter(214) 846-1006Click for Email
Date last seen: 03/29/2017 Location last seen: 203 Drew Lane Heath, TexasName: SkipperSex: MaleDescription: Skipper is a 13 year old brown and white neutered male Shepherd mix breed.He does not…
Date last seen: 03/16/2017 Location last seen: J D Newell Auctioneers 6860 E I-30 Royse City Tx 75189Name: SimonSex: MaleDescription: Simon is a large chocolate point Himalayan (Persian and Siamese)…
Date last seen: 03/10/2017 Location last seen: Clubview Dr. – The Shores – RockwallName: PumpkinSex: MaleDescription: Orange Tabby, circular pattern on his sides. White underneath. No front claws. Owner Information:…