
Date last seen: 05/28/2017 Location last seen: Neale and 221 headed to rockwallName: Remi and AceSex: MaleDescription: Chocolate lab with green eyes and Black lab – they’re brothers Owner Information:…

Pit bull

Date last seen: 05/20/2017 Location last seen: Wylie tx McMillan rdName: MedusaSex: FemaleDescription: Gray and white pit bull, she’s short. Cropped ears, thick pink collar with spikes, grey/green eyes. Owner…

Blue Pit

Date last seen: 05/21/2017 Location last seen: Park in LavonName: Sex: FemaleDescription: Female blue pit, approx 1 1/2 y/o. White on face, paws, chest. She slipped out of her collar,…

DSH (orange)

Date last seen: 05/18/2017 Location last seen: near Dalrock & 66 Bayview EstatesName: MacSex: MaleDescription: Male orange short hair. 12 years old. no front claws. Owner Information: Katie Grimes(214) 676-0761Click…

Toy poodle

Date last seen: 06/30/2017 Location last seen: 5414 vagas driveName: OliverSex: MaleDescription: He has a healed mark under his chin Owner Information: Olympia Karari(469) 231-4366Click for Email