Italian Greyhound
Date last seen: 10/13/2019 Location last seen: 2917 panhandle dr. Rockwall tx 75087Name: BrunoSex: MaleDescription: Black and White. Sweet but shy , please don’t chase him he will run. Owner…
Date last seen: 10/13/2019 Location last seen: 2917 panhandle dr. Rockwall tx 75087Name: BrunoSex: MaleDescription: Black and White. Sweet but shy , please don’t chase him he will run. Owner…
Date last seen: 10/04/2019 Location last seen: home Name: Jade Sex: Female Description: Small, very friendly and sweet cat. Not currently wearing her collar. Last seen late Thursday night at…
Date last seen: 10/07/2019 Location last seen: 10055 pr rd 2333 quinlan tx 75474Name: WoodySex: MaleDescription: He is mostly white with tan spots. He has bright blue eyes but his…
Date last seen: 10/04/2019 Location last seen: High Point Dr. Lakeside VillageName: MochaSex: MaleDescription: Mocha is 8.5 years old and weighs around 6 Lbs. He is neutered but not chipped…
Date last seen: 10/10/2019 Location last seen: Heath Yacht and Golf Club off of Laurence Ave & FM 740 Name: Bella Sex: Female Description: Bella is a 10 year old,…
Date last seen: 10/11/2019 Location last seen: Garland TXName: BonitaSex: FemaleDescription: Bonita is a 45lb red pit lab mix. Her nose is black and her whiskers are black on one…
Date last seen: 10/07/2019 Location last seen: 6133 Nugget Dr. Nevada, Tx 75173Name: RoySex: MaleDescription: Red and white. Around 45 pounds. Owner Information: Emma Stehman(707) 382-2899Click for Email
Date last seen: 10/08/2019 Location last seen: fm 549 HeathName: CarlosSex: MaleDescription: 2 year old german shepherd, friendly, trained, with shock collar and name tag. Owner Information: james best(214) 454-7336Click…
Date last seen: 10/07/2019 Location last seen: 276/550Name: PandaSex: FemaleDescription: Little white puppy black spots has a black corcle roumd one eye is grandbabies dog Owner Information: Pamela Criner(469) 335-3488Click…
Date last seen: 10/07/2019 Location last seen: 550/276Name: HollySex: FemaleDescription: White with black spots been fixed Owner Information: Pamela Criner(469) 335-3488Click for Email