Lionhead Rabbit
Date last seen: 08/09/2020 Location last seen: Bayhill and Sunset HillName: MollySex: FemaleDescription: Female rabbit named Molly Owner Information: Kathleen Loera(214) 244-2668Click for Email
Date last seen: 08/09/2020 Location last seen: Bayhill and Sunset HillName: MollySex: FemaleDescription: Female rabbit named Molly Owner Information: Kathleen Loera(214) 244-2668Click for Email
Date last seen: 08/15/2020 Location last seen: Shores in RockwallName: TessaSex: FemaleDescription: Tessa is a 4 year old, spayed female and weighs about 50-60 Lbs. Tessa is a Brown and…
Date last seen: 08/10/2020 Location last seen: Hwy 276 and 1565Name: DakotaSex: FemaleDescription: Dakota is a female, German Shepherd just under a year old. She is your typical black and…
Date last seen: 08/01/2020 Location last seen: 66/DalrockName: ChloeSex: FemaleDescription: Chloe is a medium hair female tabby. She is very friendly. Owner Information: Lisa Harris(972) 816-8102Click for Email
Date last seen: 08/08/2020 Location last seen: At home – Buffalo Creek neighborhoodName: CaspianSex: MaleDescription: Caspian is a friendly 12 year old cat. He has a white underbelly and grey…
Date last seen: 08/09/2020 Location last seen: Backyard-Bayhill and Sunset HillName: MollySex: FemaleDescription: White fluffy rabbit with smokey gray on her nose Owner Information: Kathleen Loera(214) 244-2668Click for Email
Date last seen: 08/02/2020 Location last seen: FM 544 in E. WylieName: TiggerSex: MaleDescription: Right ear is slightly deformed. Neutered and declawed in the front. He is 8 years old…
Date last seen: 08/20/2020 Location last seen: Off of Horizon and Ridge Rd on Kirkhaven DrName: JewelSex: FemaleDescription: She’s 18 years old with multi-colored brown, very fluffy fur, and a…
Date last seen: 07/08/2020 Location last seen: Backyard. HomeName: HarleySex: MaleDescription: Typical Yorkie colors of tan/blonde and black Harley has silver running through his black hair in his body and…
Date last seen: 07/29/2020 Location last seen: Woodcreek – FateName: EchoSex: FemaleDescription: Tortoise shell, about 1.5 years old, with orange eyes. Front declawed. Owner Information: Nikki Burt(903) 456-0560Click for Email