Tabby Cat
Date found: 08/11/2024 Location found: Rcokwall Pkwy, by Raplh Hall and HorizonSex: Description: Small tabby cat, unsure on the gender. It’s likely under a year old. Showed up at our…
Date found: 08/11/2024 Location found: Rcokwall Pkwy, by Raplh Hall and HorizonSex: Description: Small tabby cat, unsure on the gender. It’s likely under a year old. Showed up at our…
Date found: 08/10/2024 Location found: PoetrySex: FemaleDescription: 4 puppies along the side of the road, have all 4 bathed and fed but already have dogs so it’s a lot. We…
Date found: 07/29/2024 Location found: dallasSex: FemaleDescription: Good morning, This past weekend I was at a community pool. As I was leaving I noticed a dog locked in the car…
Date found: 08/01/2024 Location found: FreshSex: MaleDescription: He’s all black, seems to be neutered Found By: Quenten Jones(682) 282-9530Click for Email
Date found: 08/01/2024 Location found: Fox Chase- Hunters GlenSex: MaleDescription: Senior male Pomeranian Found By: Valerie Bowne(309) 838-6860Click for Email
Date found: 08/01/2024 Location found: Fox Chase -near Rockwall PresbySex: MaleDescription: Senior male Pomeranian Found By: Valerie Bowne(309) 838-6860Click for Email
Date found: 06/04/2024 Location found: 452 Yacht Club Dr. Rockwall Tx 7503/Sex: FemaleDescription: Black female Labrador. Found By: Holly Chapman(214) 808-8260Click for Email
Date found: 07/28/2024 Location found: Mission and East Fork, RockwallSex: MaleDescription: Small gray, young male. Probably around 20-25 pounds. Very friendly. White and gray patches. Curly poodle fur. Found By:…
Date found: 07/18/2024 Location found: Breezy Hill neighborhoodSex: neutered maleDescription: Very sweet female cat, gray with stripes. Front paw declaw. Appears to be declawed and VERY hungry. We’ve fed her…
Date found: 07/09/2024 Location found: Royse city Sex: Female Description: Someone dropped the dog off at the camper we are currently staying in and unfortunately we won’t be able to…