Put bull
Date found: 03/08/2017 Location found: HeathSex: MaleDescription: Neutered. Tan with white marking on all 4 paws and on chest. Friendly and energetic. Appears to be around 1 years old. Found…
Date found: 03/08/2017 Location found: HeathSex: MaleDescription: Neutered. Tan with white marking on all 4 paws and on chest. Friendly and energetic. Appears to be around 1 years old. Found…
Date found: 02/28/2017 Location found: RockwallSex: FemaleDescription: Small black dog, female, pregnant, appears to have had puppies before also. Right front leg is hurt. Limping Found By: Janet Kniep(214) 418-3898Click…
Date found: 02/25/2017 Location found: E FM 552Sex: MaleDescription: Black cat with other color. Found By: Kristin Holzheimer(469) 834-0710Click for Email
Dog2Date found: 02/14/2017 Location found: 12 Chapel Hill Ln, Rockwall/McLendon Chisholm Sex: Male Description: Pit mix, brindle, female, 35lbs, no collar Heeler, blue, male, 35lbs, no collar Found By: Meghann…
Date found: 02/12/2017 Location found: Hickory Ridge Rockwall TXSex: FemaleDescription: Small 5 pound puppy found (brown with white and black). Playful, not shy, very sweet. No collar. Found By: Meg…
Date found: 01/28/2017 Location found: Misty Ridge Ln, Rockwall Sex: Female Description: Dark grey with lighter stripes and markings especially on face. Looks like he is wearing white eyeliner. Half…
Date found: 01/25/2017 Location found: John King Blvd. between 276 and FM1139 Sex: Male Description: Tiny dog. Brown with large eyes Found By: Marti Thompson (214) 929-1174 Click for Email
Date found: 01/24/2017 Location found: Hwy 80 @ FM 480 Sex: Male Description: Medium small mall, older, white with redish brown spots, pointy ears. Sweet nature. Found By: TERESA Sifford…
Date found: 01/23/2017 Location found: The Shores- Club Lake Circle Sex: Male Description: Mail. An altered. Looks like he’s maybe 1 to 2 years old. Found By: Jenny Mosley (205)…
Date found: 01/16/2017 Location found: Poetry, TXSex: FemaleDescription: Found By: Terrell Animal Alliance(972) 345-3682Click for Email