Grey and white cat
Date last seen: 09/18/2018 Location last seen: 121 maywoodName: GracieSex: FemaleDescription: Grey and white fat cat. Fixed. Female. 3 years old. Very social. Owner Information: Amber Anderson(214) 701-2983Click for Email
Date last seen: 09/18/2018 Location last seen: 121 maywoodName: GracieSex: FemaleDescription: Grey and white fat cat. Fixed. Female. 3 years old. Very social. Owner Information: Amber Anderson(214) 701-2983Click for Email
Date last seen: 09/18/2018 Location last seen: 165 Yvonne Dr. my homeName: KmoxSex: MaleDescription: Grey colored, has white strip down his face, really long tail with a white tip. Has…
Date found: 09/16/2018 Location found: shores on MerionSex: MaleDescription: Neighbor found this tubby in the Shores, someone has to be looking for this guy. Pretty evident he has not missed…
Date last seen: 09/15/2018 Location last seen: By TA Truck station @ I-30 and hwy 205 Name: Snicker-Doodle Sex: Male Description: Dapple dachshund. primarily dark brown with a good mixture…
Date last seen: 09/11/2018 Location last seen: Bayberry Dr. Fate Tx. Wood Creek neighborhood.Name: Midnight RitaSex: FemaleDescription: Rita is a 10 year old, spayed female, short haired cat, around 6-8…
Date last seen: 09/11/2018 Location last seen: 18584 County Road 949 rockwall txName: CashSex: MaleDescription: he has light hazel eyes, his paws are white and they have brown spots everywhere,…
Date last seen: 09/12/2018 Location last seen: RISD bus barnName: LexiSex: FemaleDescription: Tan hair, Yellow bandana Owner Information: Dana Buckner(972) 741-5747Click for Email
Date last seen: 09/10/2018 Location last seen: Lake view summitName: ChuchitaSex: FemaleDescription: Tan and brown colored hair. Short legs. Long hair. Very sweet and approachable. Owner Information: Sheila Ocampo(469) 443-2789Click…
Date last seen: 09/07/2018 Location last seen: Quail Creek. 305 Pheasant Hill DriveName: GigiSex: FemaleDescription: Small, around 8-10 pounds, black and white, shirt hair, black eye mask. Found her collar…
Date found: 09/07/2018 Location found: In front of Fate DPSSex: FemaleDescription: Black body with tan face Found By: Stefanie Sanchez(301) 787-4532Click for Email