Date found: 12/03/2018 Location found: Our house.Sex: MaleDescription: He is an unneutrered, tiger striped brindle cat with claws. He is nice. Found By: JoAnn Pepper(214) 502-7599Click for Email
Date found: 12/03/2018 Location found: Our house.Sex: MaleDescription: He is an unneutrered, tiger striped brindle cat with claws. He is nice. Found By: JoAnn Pepper(214) 502-7599Click for Email
Date found: 12/10/2018 Location found: Buffalo creek parkSex: MaleDescription: Black kitten white spot on chest with blue glitter collar Found By: Cara Johnson(303) 877-6535Click for Email
Date found: 12/09/2018 Location found: 7-11 off horizon and TubbsSex: FemaleDescription: Young female. Dark tabby with Black and Tan. Very sweet. Found By: Brittany Grady(214) 623-7887Click for Email
Date last seen: 12/09/2018 Location last seen: 205 and jacobs crossingName: RascalSex: MaleDescription: Brown and white with orange collar with camo paracord. Owner Information: Brandon Vanderslice(214) 414-8409Click for Email
Date found: 12/09/2018 Location found: McClendon Chisolm- 205 and South 548Sex: MaleDescription: Altered male Australian Sheppard; teal collar; very friendly; had a friend with him, but the friend was skittish…
Date last seen: 12/05/2018 Location last seen: Mission apartments. 915 Yellow Jacket Lane Rockwall, TX 75087Name: ChubzSex: MaleDescription: 11 months. Long hair, white with tabby markings on tail and center…
Date found: 12/04/2018 Location found: McLendon-ChisholmSex: MaleDescription: Tan with white patches, good build with leather collar. Found By: Shane Smith(972) 467-8655Click for Email
Date last seen: 12/04/2018 Location last seen: 139 Lakeside Drive, Rockwall, TXName: CleoSex: FemaleDescription: Cleo is medium height, lean build. Between 40-60lbs. She is mostly white with brown spots/markings over…
Date last seen: 11/28/2018 Location last seen: Wylie TxName: KassianSex: MaleDescription: Gray with dark gray stripes, tabby. Very friendly with humans. Medium size with short hair. Chip ID 985112009946150 Owner…
Date last seen: 11/24/2018 Location last seen: 17797 county rd 949 rockwall Tx 7087Name: PeluchinSex: MaleDescription: He is white and we recently shaved his hair off and he has brown…