
Date last seen: 04/23/2024 Location last seen: 2900 Deer ridge, Hickory Ridge, Rockwall, TxName: TobySex: MaleDescription: Small tan yorki Owner Information: Marshall Mclemore(214) 293-2807Click for Email

lab mix

Date last seen: 04/13/2024 Location last seen: Lavon,, FM 2755 and Main streetName: LucySex: FemaleDescription: yellow lab mix with white markings. She has a underbite. Owner Information: Lisa Bilek(972) 365-7622Click…


Date last seen: 04/17/2024 Location last seen: Nevada, TXName: LokiSex: FemaleDescription: Fluffy black cat with a reflective purple collar. Owner Information: Amanda Wilson(469) 363-0647Click for Email

grey tabby

Date last seen: 04/09/2024 Location last seen: Renfro Street, RockwallName: pearlSex: FemaleDescription: She’s a pregnant grey tabby, if she’s not pregnant anymore then she’s very skinny and has big green…