
Date last seen: 05/15/2016 Location last seen: Calvin and Cumberland Drive in GarlandName: GatorSex: MaleDescription: Gator is 5lbs. Morkie. He is black, white, and tan. The top of his head…


Date last seen: 05/10/2016 Location last seen: 160 Shepherds Glen, Heath, TX. 75032Name: KeelaSex: FemaleDescription: Cream colored Pomeranian. May have on shock collar. She is chipped (Koli Lee). Owner Information:…


Date last seen: 05/05/2016 Location last seen: 1804 S. Lakeshore Drive, Rockwall, TX 75087Name: WinstonSex: MaleDescription: 9 year old White Lab, has a red collar with tags, has a small…