
Date last seen: 07/03/2019 Location last seen: Dalrock and 66Name: AlpoSex: MaleDescription: Long blonde, black and grey hair. Owner Information: Tammy Hill(469) 236-2111Click for Email

Great Pyrenees

Date last seen: 06/30/2019 Location last seen: 11777 c r 483 lavon txName: HATTIESex: FemaleDescription: 15 month old. Freshly groomed. Bright red collar with black perimeter box Missing pigmentation around…

Mix Breed

Date last seen: 06/29/2019 Location last seen: 276 and 550 by Blackland Water TowerName: COOKIESex: FemaleDescription: Red, short hair with white belly and paws. Medium size, about 30lbs. with pink…

Shih Tzu

Date last seen: 06/29/2019 Location last seen: Blackland Rd, Fate TXName: Donatella “Telly”Sex: FemaleDescription: She’s black and white and about 18 lbs. She is a bit shy of people but…