Date last seen: 03/22/2025 Location last seen: Out in Heath Texas on Laurence drive at the house across from Amy Parks elementary and Heath city town hall.Name: SageSex: FemaleDescription: She…
Date last seen: 03/22/2025 Location last seen: Out in Heath Texas on Laurence drive at the house across from Amy Parks elementary and Heath city town hall.Name: SageSex: FemaleDescription: She…
Date last seen: 03/22/2025 Location last seen: Rockwall off ridge rd near ChicfilaName: TitoSex: MaleDescription: Tito is about 10 lbs very friendly but skittish. He’s gray with stripes and he’s…
Date last seen: 03/21/2025 Location last seen: 121 pleasant hill ln fate tx 75189Name: BearBearSex: MaleDescription: He has brindle fur and white fur around his muzzle. Hes around 20lbs. Hes…