Manx Cat
Date last seen: 10/16/2017 Location last seen: Tangleglen, Rockwall Name: Lily Sex: Female Description: Grey and white, short hair, no tail, flea collar, no microchip, 16 yrs old. Owner…
Date last seen: 10/16/2017 Location last seen: Tangleglen, Rockwall Name: Lily Sex: Female Description: Grey and white, short hair, no tail, flea collar, no microchip, 16 yrs old. Owner…
Date last seen: 10/16/2017 Location last seen: Mission apartments across from Rockwall High School Name: Oreo ākittenā Sex: Female Description: Black female cat about 10 months old. White paws and…
Date last seen: 10/17/2017 Location last seen: 1650 Apartment Complex on John King Blvd.Name: SophieSex: FemaleDescription: She went missing around 4am. She is 16 years old and completely deaf. Short…